Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Heart Wrenching Pets on Death Row

One of the most frustrating things for me to accept is that I can't save all the animals that need to be saved.  I am following a couple pages on facebook that post cats/dogs/horses that need to be saved because someone gave them up or threw them out and they ended up in an over crowded shelter.  I should just unsubscribe because it just depresses me.  White cats tug at my heart strings.  We have 3 that we have saved...2 are mine - Jack Frost and Suri.  Tonight there is a 10 year old white male cat listed on one of these pages that needs to be saved. It is taking all my will power to not call and save him.  But we have 10 cats.  We have 6 dogs. We have done a lot to help animals that could have ended up in the same situation.  My mom and I calculated that she and my dad (with my sister and my help) have saved somewhere around 34 cats in the 30 years they've been together. We have definitely done our share.

But let's talk about the problems.  OVER BREEDING.  There are WAY too many animals in existence because people refuse to be responsible pet owners. Kittens and puppies are adorable.  But go adopt one that another irresponsible pet owner had to give up when they realized they couldn't care for or find homes for the 8 pups their female dog just popped out. When I was little I used to think but if everyone has their pets fixed...we'll run out of puppies and kitties.  This thought seriously depressed a 6 year old.  But...now almost 22...I realize that there will always be the people that refuse to fix their pets.  Thank god for the animal shelters than can afford to neuter the pets before they are adopted...

People have big hearts.  Too big sometimes.  And too idealistic.  People adopt pets and then can't afford them or realize they just don't know how to handle them.  And then those pets end up back in the shelter where they started...on the street...abused...malnourished...etc.  Unfortunately there is no way we could ever save all of these animals that are listed on the sites that I look at.  And if we tried to...they could never each receive the love and care they need and deserve.

People have no heart.  The white cat I saw tonight is 10 years old at least.  And the previous owner had him for 10-15 years...but is now getting rid of him because his wife is now suddenly allergic?  I see some holes in this story.  Either the wife is new...the allergy is new...or its an excuse.  I could never imagine giving up any of my pets and it just seems people do it without a second thought.  Thank God someone gave up a mother and her 8 kittens so I got Jack Frost.  And thank God someone made it so Suri was born in the wild and I ended up with him. Thank God that Rahjah ended up at Bangor Humane Society and not on the street so I could come along and find her.

If you want your heart to be wrenched out of your chest... just look at the albums here... https://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=155925874419253 And while you're at it...if you have the time...money...save one of those cats.  But only if you truly have the space in your life and your heart.  I will force myself to not subscribe to their page in an effort to not look back and find out the fate of that poor white kitty.

Call me a fanatic. Call me a crazy cat lady.  It's all fine.  Animals take up a huge part of my heart.

Thanks for reading my rant. :)



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