Thursday, June 23, 2011

Two Months Since Graduation

I graduated from the University of Maine almost 2 months ago.  So where am I now?

I'm less lost.  I have remembered who I am. I have an idea of what I want to do with my life now.  I had forgotten about my love for graphic design & am now crazy about it all over again.  I would love to be able to write & do graphic design, but right now would be happy with getting my foot in the door for either career.  It takes time though.

I have started my own business through becoming a Pure Romance consultant.  It has given me a new sense of independence & a fulfilling new found confidence.  The other great thing is that through creating my own marketing materials & website, I am adding things to my portfolio, which will hopefully help me land some stellar job.  But other than that it's fun.  And I know that I want my career to be fun.  If I could do PR for a full time living, that'd be awesome, but so far my calendar isn't filling up quickly enough for that.  Plus I'm too social to completely work on my own.  I absolutely love Pure Romance though & it has helped me to not get so stressed about finding a job with my degree.

I am getting better with hearing the word "No."  I've already gotten my share of "Nos" from companies.  I mean they all say it pretty nicely, but they still sting a little.   I'm also hearing the word "No" from people who aren't interested in participating in my Pure Romance company, I'm still working on accepting those as easily.  I read somewhere that every "No" is one step closer to a "Yes."  So, in that case, I'm about 8 steps closer to a job.

I want to move away in order to get my start.  I love my family.  I love helping with the alpaca farm.  But I still have that thirst for travel.  I have this strong desire to move away & start my career.  It isn't about running away from anything anymore; it's about running to something.  Running to my future & taking it head on. I know my family will be here for me no matter what, & I need to see more of the world, or at least the country.

I no longer blame myself for what happened in my last relationship.  I was really hard on myself for a long time.  I literally hated myself for allowing myself to get into such a mess, but I don't anymore.  I know that I loved him with my whole heart & did everything, & more, that I could for him.  I did the right things; I just did them for the wrong person.  I also now know how important my future really is to me.  I almost gave up my goals for a relationship, & even convinced myself that that was okay.  Now, I wouldn't give them up for anything.  I want to establish my career first, then a family (how 2.0 generation of me does that sound?). But I also know that I have a big heart & surrounding myself with people is what keeps me happy.  Yes, keeps me happy.  I consider myself happy once again.

I had a job interview today at a restaurant in Freeport.  I of course would love to work, but am still hoping I find something with my degree.  I want to get my career started & I guess never realized how much work it would really be, & how much time it would take, to find a job.  Awesome economy.  But at least I have a roof over my head until I can afford my own roof.

At my interview today that woman asked me if I think I'm lucky.  I paused a second, but responded yes.  We all have our shares of hardships, but we're all lucky.  I'm lucky to have such a supportive family.  I'm lucky to be healthy (minus my stupid knee).  I'm lucky to no longer be in an emotionally exhausting relationship.  I'm lucky to have graduated college.  I'm lucky that my family can afford the things we need. I'm lucky to live within 2 minutes of my Gramp and therefore am able to visit him on a daily basis. I'm lucky to have amazing friends.  I'm lucky to have my own company that is slowly but surely getting its start.

Tell me, why are you lucky?

Until the next time. :)


  1. hey that pretty deep i like it alot keep it up and good luck with every thing in ur life and i hope u get a job doing what u love

    god luck
    thomas cushman (trh)

  2. I am very proud of you!

    Love you

  3. you're amazing jen! keep your head up; you deserve nothing but happiness and the most that the world can offer you.

  4. I'm lucky and proud to have you in my family.

  5. "you're amazing jen! keep your head up; you deserve nothing but happiness and the most that the world can offer you"

    I don't know who said that, but you're amazing, you made my night. <3

  6. & of course thank you to Tom, Missy, & Aunt Karen. You're all too nice.
