Sunday, January 13, 2013

A New Year

Last post July 2012 - how is that possible?! It continues how fast time moves without anyone really realizing it.  It isn't like we sit there and go "Oh that minute went by rather quickly." No, it's months and years that fly by without us realizing it.  I always thought that time went faster when I was enjoying life - such as while on vacations, but recently I've come to realize that it's when we're doing the same thing day in and day out that time slips by. I mean really. It's the weeks that I do nothing but my 8:30-3:30 job that seem to go by the quickest.

But anyways.  It's a new year.  I love new years.  There is always a sense of refreshment.  It's a clean, 365-day pallet that we can scribble whatever the heck we want on.  Of course most of us start with resolutions - and most have broken them by the third day in - but the point is people feel new.  It's always about this time that I feel ready for some sort of change - be it a new pair of shoes or wanting to move halfway across the country - there is always something.

In 2013 I do hope to move.  I'm really ready for a new adventure.  I don't think I was meant to sit still. I love travel and though I did a lot of traveling in 2012 I hope 2013 holds something even bigger than that.  I don't know where I want to go but we'll see.  I have started applying for jobs across the country and just figure I'll end up in the right place.  Heck, the worst thing that could happen would be that I would have to move back and Maine really isn't all that bad. ;)

The worst part of January? Realizing how little I documented for my home business taxes in 2012.  If I have one resolution - it's to keep track of my expenses every month.  Next year I hope to not be saying the same thing!

So I ask you this - What are your New Year's resolutions? What are you going to do with this blank canvas labeled 2013?

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